付费拿到了Skype的号码一年, 号码是自己选的****888 999****, 花了$52.26, 使用PayPal支付的, 过程简单, 就是选号码费了点时间.
在确认使用年套餐之前, 试用了另外一个号码一个月. 主要是使用那个号码测试发短信, 你没看错, 原始的SMS短信. 因为有时候, 感觉不想直接打电话. 之前使用的Textnow发短信, 根本是石沉大海. 而自己还傻傻的操作了好多天. 免费的东西真是最贵的呀.
测试过的, 使用Textnow给我的Skype Number发信息, 根本收不到, 但使用Skype Number给Textnow发则是可以收到. 另外, 你想使用Textnow接码的话, 是要另外买套餐的. 基本上, 是垃圾中的战斗机了.
除了使用Skype Number之外, 还订购了美国的包月套餐, 每个有$2.99无限手机及固话通话. 刚刚打出了第一个call, 有点小兴奋.
使用Skype发送SMS信息是真的贵$0.112/条. 受够了, 让我多打电话吧!
万一, 你也想买一个号码, 选择了自己非常喜欢的, 直接买年套餐吧. 因为, Skype不允许把号码从月套餐转为年套餐. 月套餐收取$6.5, 所以, 我最后取消了那个试用的号码, 改买了新号码的年套餐.
购买Skype Number
第一个Call - 给一个已经做了PI的客户, 成功了的话, 大约98800人民币的利润
最后, 引用 Anything You Want书中的一篇 – 好想法也不值钱, 加上行动才值钱:
Ideas are just a multiplier of execution
It’s so funny when I hear people being so protective of ideas (especially people who want me to sign a non-disclosure agreement before they tell me about the simplest ideas).
To me, ideas are worth nothing unless they are executed. They are just a multiplier. Execution is worth millions.
Awful idea = -1
Weak idea = 1
So-so idea = 5
Good idea = 10
Great idea = 15
Brilliant idea = 20
No execution = $1
Weak execution = $1,000
So-so execution = $10,000
Good execution = $100,000
Great execution = $1,000,000
Brilliant execution = $10,000,000
To make a business, you need to multiply the two components. The most brilliant idea, with no execution, is worth $20. The most brilliant idea takes great execution to be worth $200,000,000.
That’s why I don’t want to hear people’s ideas. I’m not interested until I see their execution.
Excerpt From
Anything You Want
Derek Sivers
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